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Introduction to Agriculture and Rural Business


Course Information

Harvest time

Start time:9:00 Finish time:16.00

Experiential and problem-based exercises will develop the ability of participants to learn about key concepts as they formulate action plans based upon the principles of the rural agricultural economy, farming systems and markets, environmental land resource management and business case study and investment options.

Completion of the course provides a good grounding for participants progressing the full BSc (Hons) 'Fast Track' degrees of either 'Rural Land and Business Management' or 'Sustainable Agriculture.

The course is designed as a four-day programme with progression from the first day (Day 1) to the second block (Day 2). 

Course Code

Course Description

Course Delivery

Block 1: 5th and 6th March

  • Day 1: 9:00 - 16:00 with evening lectures
  • Day 2: 9:00 - 16:00

Block 2: 8th and 9th April

  • Day 1: 9:00 - 16:00 with evening lectures
  • Day 2: 9:00 - 16:00

Topics include:

  • The global agricultural economy and commodities
  • Agriculture in the UK ~ systems and change
  • C21st Challenges & Opportunities
  • The pressure for land and the rural land market
  • Land Use and Net Zero


StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Start time:9:00 Finish time:16.00

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