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Beehive and Frame Assembly Day


Course Information


Learn to assemble a beehive on this one day practical course based in our workshops. Each attendee will be given their own cedar National Beehive to assemble under supervision in our Countryside Workshop.



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Course Description
Each student will receive a cedar flat-pack beehive with frames and wax and will be shown how to assemble roof, brood box and supers, floor and frames by our experienced tutor. A comprehensive handout is provided full of details about the hive, its history and tips for assembling it properly, buying equipment and starting out in beekeeping.
This course combined with the Taster Day is ideal preparation for beekeeping.
Equipment required:
  • Outdoor clothing and sturdy footwear suitable for working in a workshop.
  • Notebook and pen.
The fee for this course is £80. There is also a materials fee of £195 (flat-packed cedar hive and frame) that is added. The Total cost of this course is £275
The cedar hive is yours to take home at the end of the day.



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