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A Beekeeping Taster Day


Course Venue - Plumpton College, Ditchling Road, BN7 3AE

Ideal for those interested in honeybees or considering becoming a beekeeper. This one day course covers the biology of the honey bee, the equipment you’ll need to keep bees, the gadgets you can buy, the pests and diseases to watch out for and the flowers you can plant to help bees and other pollinators and where to get your own bees.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
24/05/202524/05/20250£75.00[Read More]
28/06/202528/06/20250£75.00[Read More]
26/07/202526/07/20250£75.00[Read More]

Beehive and Frame Assembly Day


Learn to assemble a beehive on this one day practical course based in our workshops. Each attendee will be given their own cedar National Beehive to assemble under supervision in our Countryside Workshop.



StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
25/05/202525/05/20250£275.00[Read More]
27/07/202527/07/20250£275.00[Read More]

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