HorticultureHorticultureAn Introduction Woodland Pewter CastingDescriptionThe pewter casting workshop designed for anyone interested in the ancient art of metal casting. Pewter casting is a fascinating technique that combines artistic expression with practical skills. Unlike other metals, pewter melts at a relatively low temperature, making it ideal for beginners and those working in smaller studios or home workshops.
Companion Planting with Edible FlowersDescriptionThis course introduces you to the magic of companion planting and how to enhance your garden with the beauty and benefits of edible flowers.
How to make a Pollinator GardenDescriptionIntroduction into how to make a Pollinator Garden A ONE DAY COURSE PERFECT FOR HORTICULTURE BEGINNERS OR THOSE WANTING TO START AND EXPAND THEIR KNOWLEDGE INTO PLANTS AND HABITAT CREATION TO ATTRACT POLLINATING INSECTS. Spend a wonderful day at One Garden Brighton, home of our Stanmer Campus, and learn from our expert Plumpton College Horticulture tutors, to learn new skills on understanding the planning and process to make a pollinator garden. This course looks at basic garden creation based on food sources and species specific habitats. Your tutor will focus on the four Steps to Creating a Pollinator-friendly Garden 1. Provide food - Larval & Nectar food sources 2. Provide water – supply and access 3. Provide shelter – ecosystem creation and protection 4. Safeguard habitat – creation and management.
Introduction to Biodynamic GardeningDescriptionA ONE DAY COURSE PERFECT FOR HORTICULTURE BEGINNERS OR THOSE WANTING TO EXPAND AND GROW THEIR PLANT KNOWLEDGE. Spend a wonderful day at One Garden Brighton, home of our Stanmer Campus, and learn from our expert Plumpton College Horticulture tutors, to understand the principles of biodynamic gardening. The workshop will give you a gentle introduction to the world of plants. During the workshop you will learn: - The history of biodynamic gardening - The holistic and spiritual approach to growing food sustainably. During your workshop get a tour of One Garden. A day workshop to enjoy with friends and family or meet likeminded people. Our Stanmer Campus is the home of One Garden Brighton. You will be working from our specially designed teaching and workshop spaces nestled within the newly reinvented Stanmer walled garden. Visit onegardenbrighton.com to find out more.
Introduction to Creating a Cutting GardenDescriptionA ONE DAY COURSE PERFECT FOR HORTICULTURE BEGINNERS OR THOSE WANTING TO EXPAND AND GROW THEIR PLANT AND GARDENING KNOWLEDGE Spend a wonderful day at One Garden Brighton, home of our Stanmer Campus, and learn from our expert Plumpton College Horticulture tutors, to learn new skills on creating your very own cutting garden. A flower cutting garden is a really good use of garden space. Create either a dedicated cutting garden, or mingle your flowers throughout the garden, providing colour for your outdoor and indoor spaces. During this one day workshop you will learn:
A day workshop to enjoy with friends and family or meet likeminded people. Our Stanmer Campus is the home of One Garden Brighton. You will be working from our specially designed teaching and workshop spaces nestled within the newly reinvented Stanmer walled garden. Visit onegardenbrighton.com to find out more.
Introduction to Growing Veg in your GardenDescriptionA THREE DAY COURSE PERFECT FOR HORTICULTURE BEGINNERS OR THOSE WANTING TO START AND EXPAND THEIR PLANT AND GARDENING KNOWLEDGE Spend a wonderful timne at One Garden Brighton, home of our Stanmer Campus, and learn from our expert Plumpton College Horticulture tutors, to learn new skills on understanding the principles and practices of growing vegetables. This course looks at the soil, the timings, seed selection and planting for the amateur gardener. · The best way to plan the layout of a vegetable plot · The requirements for growing vegetables · Crop rotation · Varieties of vegetables to suit the size of plot · Planning for successional planting · Soil preparation · Focus on soil structure and soil science · Crop planting and protection · Problems associated with growth and how to prevent pests and diseases · Harvest times and methods Our Stanmer Campus is the home of One Garden Brighton. You will be working from our specially designed teaching and workshop spaces nestled within the newly reinvented Stanmer walled garden. Visit onegardenbrighton.com to find out more.
Introduction to making your own compostDescriptionA ONE DAY COURSE PERFECT FOR HORTICULTURE BEGINNERS OR THOSE WANTING TO EXPAND AND GROW THEIR PLANT AND GARDENING KNOWLEDGE Spend a wonderful day at One Garden Brighton, home of our Stanmer Campus, and learn from our expert Plumpton College Horticulture tutors, to learn new skills on making your own compost. Making your own compost is a great way to bring environmentally friendly habits into your busy lifestyle. This one day workshop will give you an introduction into using your food and garden waste to create an excellent compost to help improve your garden soil. During this one day workshop you will learn:
A day workshop to enjoy with friends and family or meet likeminded people. Our Stanmer Campus is the home of One Garden Brighton. You will be working from our specially designed teaching and workshop spaces nestled within the newly reinvented Stanmer walled garden. Visit onegardenbrighton.com to find out more.
Introduction to Plant PropagationDescriptionWANT TO LEARN HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR PLANTS AND GARDEN? Spend a wonderful day at One Garden Brighton, home of our Stanmer Campus, and learn from our expert Plumpton College Horticulture tutors, to learn new skills on plant propagation. This one day workshop is perfect for beginners in horticulture or those wanting to grow their planting skills. During this one day workshop you will learn:
By propagating at home, you can save money on the purchase of seeds each year, and bring more colour and variety to your space. A day workshop to enjoy with friends and family or meet likeminded people. Our Stanmer Campus is the home of One Garden Brighton. You will be working from our specially designed teaching and workshop spaces nestled within the newly reinvented Stanmer walled garden. Visit onegardenbrighton.com to find out more.
Introduction to Planting DesignDescriptionA ONE DAY COURSE PERFECT FOR HORTICULTURE BEGINNERS OR THOSE WANTING TO EXPAND AND GROW THEIR PLANT KNOWLEDGE. Spend a wonderful day at One Garden Brighton, home of our Stanmer Campus, and learn from our expert Plumpton College Horticulture tutors, to understand how plants can be used in different ways. This day workshop will teach you how plants are utilised to create beautiful landscapes and spaces. During the workshop you will learn:
A day workshop to enjoy with friends and family or meet likeminded people. Our Stanmer Campus is the home of One Garden Brighton. You will be working from our specially designed teaching and workshop spaces nestled within the newly reinvented Stanmer walled garden. Visit onegardenbrighton.com to find out more.
Roundwood Timber StructuresDescriptionThis workshop, is a hands-on, immersive experience designed for anyone interested in sustainable building practices and traditional woodworking. This workshop will introduce you to the art of constructing with roundwood, an eco-friendly and versatile material that brings natural beauty and strength to any structure.
Wildflower Meadow CreationDescriptionWelcome to the One-Day Wildflower Meadow Creation Course, an immersive workshop designed for gardeners, landscapers, and nature enthusiasts who want to transform their outdoor spaces into vibrant, biodiverse habitats. This course will guide you through the essential steps of creating and managing a wildflower meadow, a beautiful and sustainable addition to any garden or landscape.