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Companion Planting with Edible Flowers


Course Information

Plant Prod

This course introduces you to the magic of companion planting and how to enhance your garden with the beauty and benefits of edible flowers.


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Course Description

What You'll Learn:

The Basics of Companion Planting: Understand how certain plants support each other in growth, improve soil health, and deter pests naturally.

Introduction to Edible Flowers: Explore a variety of edible flowers, their benefits, and how they can be safely integrated into your garden and meals.

Hands-On Garden Design: Plan and design your own companion garden with expert guidance. Get practical tips on plant selection, layout, and care.

Harvesting & Using Edible Flowers: Learn the best practices for harvesting your flowers and discover creative ways to use them in your kitchen

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Start time:10:00 Finish time:15.00
04/06/202504/06/20250£75.00[Read More]

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