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Croissant Masterclass


Course Information


Start time:9:00 Finish time:16.00

The smell of freshly baked pastries coming out of the oven, the aroma drifting up the stairs, what a way to start the day!

This hands-on workshop at our NEW AgriFood Centre here at Plumpton College, with state-of-the-art purpose-built kitchens, will teach you the art of laminating dough.


  • Beautiful buttery layers in enriched dough.
  • You will make a Croissant dough and a Danish pastry dough.
  • Learn how to create the layers, once you have laminated your dough.
  • You will make Croissant, Pain au Chocolat and Pain aux Raisin.
  • We will look at various shapes and styles of Danish pastry.


Learn how to make Crème Patisserie and various glazes to finish your pastries with!

Course Code

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Start time:9:00 Finish time:16.00

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